debug microservices with squash
Squash requires no arguments. Just run it! It creates a privileged debug pod, starts a debugger, and then attaches to it. If you are debugging in a shared cluster, consider using Squash (in cluster process). (squashctl squash –help for more info) Find more information at https://solo.io
squashctl [flags]
--config string optional, path to squash config (defaults to ~/.squash/config.yaml)
--container string Container to debug
--container-repo string debug container repo to use (default "soloio")
--container-version string debug container version to use (default "mkdev")
--crisock string The path to the CRI socket (default "/var/run/dockershim.sock")
--debugger string Debugger to use
-h, --help help for squashctl
--json output json format
--localport int local port to use to connect to debugger (defaults to random free port)
--machine machine mode input and output
--namespace string Namespace to debug
--no-clean don't clean temporary pod when existing
--no-guess-debugger don't auto detect debugger to use
--no-guess-pod don't auto detect pod to use
--pod string Pod to debug
--process-match string optional, if passed, Squash will try to find a process in the target container that matches (regex, case-insensitive) this string. Otherwise Squash chooses the first process.
--squash-namespace string the namespace where squash resources will be deployed (default: squash-debugger) (default "squash-debugger")
--timeout int timeout in seconds to wait for debug pod to be ready (default 300)
- squashctl completion - generate auto completion for your shell
- squashctl deploy - deploy squash or a demo microservice
- squashctl squash - manage the squash
- squashctl utils - call various squash utils