


Source File:


Attachments store the information needed for squash to coordinate a debugging session

"plankName": string
"debugger": string
"image": string
"processName": string
"node": string
"matchRequest": bool
"debugServerAddress": string
"pod": string
"container": string
"debugNamespace": string
Field Type Description Default
plankName string
debugger string
image string
processName string
node string
matchRequest bool
debugServerAddress string
pod string
container string
debugNamespace string


Name Description
RequestingAttachment Newly created DebugAttachments have state RequestingAttachment
PendingAttachment When the event loop begins fullfilling an attachment request it sets DebugAttachments state to PendingAttachment
Attached When squash client successfully attaches, it sets state to Attached
RequestingDelete Indicates that user has requested an attachment be removed
PendingDelete When the event loop begins fullfilling a delete request it sets this status and triggers a cleanup routine When the cleanup routine completes, it deletes the CRD


Describes the user’s debug intentions

"debugger": string
"containerName": string
"processMatcher": string
Field Type Description Default
debugger string type of debugger to use
pod pod to debug
containerName string name of container to debug
processMatcher string NOT YET IMPLEMENTED if a container has multiple processes and you do not want to debug the first process, this string is used to select a specific process


Describes the pod squash spawns for managing a particular debug session

"readyForConnect": bool
Field Type Description Default
pod plank pod reference
readyForConnect bool indicates when plank has completed the debugger-specify preparation


Contains port information needed to connect or find a debugger

"plank": string
"target": string
Field Type Description Default
plank string the relevant debug port on the plank pod
target string the relevant debug port on the target pod